Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Letter to mr. larson

Dear Mr. Larson,

I have been exposed to some methods of technology intergration in the classroom. There are very simple techniques that a teacher can use in any subject; but I will focus on your history class. History is a visual science. Students tend to need to be able to relate somehow to the past because if they have no relation to the past, it is just that, the past. So one easy method to help students relate to the past is by using videos. In my high school classes my teachers had us watch a lot of historical videos. While this is not such a bad idea, I would like to introduce 21st century technology into the classroom. I would make use of short video clips of the day's subject. These type of clips can be found on YouTube.com. But be careful, you have to do a little searching outside of the classroom before you put any of these videos on the screen in the classroom. But YouTube is now home to thousands of relavent videos that can greatly enhance your subject.

Another method of integration for social studies would simply be using the internet for web quests. Most webquests are designed for younger children; but there are some difficult quests out there that give high school students a challenge. PodCasts are also great. Many podcasts are from people that have actually witnessed history. But you have to know when to press stop. Students can begin to dose off with just audio.

But there are many options availible for you. Most are going to be reliant on the computer...as they should be. The issue is, do you have the resources in your school to use any of these techniques? If you don't, there are other cheaper uses of technology to enhance your history class. These include basic televisions, recorders, and any form of media. Take your class to the public library and let them explore the internet there...of course under supervision. But the reality is, whatever topic you have for the day, there are simple technologies out there to allow you to enhance your lesson. All you have to do is be exposed to the technology. Search google.com for ideas that have been used in other school in your subject area. There are many out there.

Good luck,


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